Indigo Frog

What A Ghostwriter Can Do For Your Business?

In Business in a frog's leap on May 11, 2009 at 11:44 am

Sometimes we feel sad that God hasn’t given us all the assets in the world. We have some brilliant plots for a novel, but we are extremely moron to handle our pen. Being able to write what we have in our mind is not everybody’s cup of tea, that too in a way people would be interested to read. A ghostwriter can help to solve this situation.

A ghostwriter is a special breed among writers who engrave words on behalf of somebody else. He gets paid for the writing he was entrusted. The creation will be sole property of the person who hires the ghostwriter. After completion of the project, the copyright is transferred to the hiring authority.

Ghostwriters are hired by many celebrities, business professionals, politicians, doctors and even by some renowned authors. The purpose of hiring for these people is different according to their profession. A celebrity may hire a ghostwriter to pen down his autobiography, which he is unable to complete. The reason may be lack of time or not having proper skill to write something interesting. For a business person, a ghostwriter may prepare a business speech or a business plan. The ghostwriter has to be aware of the details of the plan either in writing or in acoustic form. The job of the ghostwriter will be writing the speech or the plan in proper format and without any linguistic mistakes. A politician can hire a ghostwriter to make the speech or to maintain the communication between him and the supporters. Sometimes renowned writers hire ghostwriters to make the writing more refined and to make them free from any kind of grammatical or syntax errors. A doctor may be very busy in his profession and yet to submit a research paper in a conference. A ghostwriter may write down all the necessary data and make the paper a hit in the symposium.

2395451_medGenerally, ghostwriters do not write their own thoughts. It is rarely seen that a ghostwriter is writing something from his own imagination. He gets inputs and definite guidelines for the work he has to accomplish. A ghostwriter puts all his thoughts to make the composition better. He refines the ideas, modifies according to the need of the composition and researches a lot to make the work befitted for his appointing authority.

Whatever the nature of the work, a talented and skilled ghostwriter will give your business a new height. They know well how to satisfy their client and put their business in the front line.

Flash Fiction – 10 Tips On How To Write Well

In Being a writer on May 1, 2009 at 8:12 pm

Writing is not a child’s play when it comes to creative writing. You may have an enormous plot to write, but penning the ideas down to paper is something different. You do not have to be some vocabulary mastermind; expressing the words in simple and precise words can be more than sufficient. Here are some tips you can use in the field of creative writing:

  • Choose a topic you are well-informed in. We often forget the value of natural flow. You should choose a topic for your writing where you feel at ease. If a metallurgist is writing on the topic ‘How do you go for fishing in Alaska’, he may not be the best possible candidate to write on it; unless, of course he has a keen interest in fishing in Alaska.
  • Proper planning is important. Before you start writing, chalk out a rough plot on the topic you are writing. It will never become a good piece of work if you start writing out of the blues. Research is of utmost importance whether it is creative writing or writing for some other purposes.
  • Make short sentences. No need to use 3 commas, 4 semicolons to complete a sentence. The reader will forget the initial words when he finishes reading the sentence. Short sentences produce stronger impact on readers. The best example may be Ernest Hemingway. He was a genius of such pattern of writing.


  • Make an impact with the first paragraph.  A big entry to your reader can be attained if you make the first paragraph of your article more vibrant. This is much important if you are writing for websites. Most of the viewers will scroll to another page if they do not find anything useful or anything exciting in the first few sentences of your writing.
  • Use proper vocabulary. Sometimes we fail to express our feelings in writing because of poor vocabulary. This is more imperative while using a foreign language. You must increase your stock of words.
  • Read more. Many people claim that reading is the only source of knowledge. The more you read, the more you know and the more you can write on your own. Reading is fundamental for creative writing.
  • Write positive. Do not write about what is not, rather describe the same thing what it should be. Writing in the affirmative way will carry a positive message to your reader.
  • Be concise. First you draft your writing. Then reduce it to the minimum possible words. Then revise it. See whether you can cut down the number of words again and still retain the taste of the piece. Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a short story. He did it with six words. ‘For sale – baby shoes, never worn’. He said his primary intention had always been to write a story consisting of a single word!
  • Shine it up. After finishing the writing for the first time, go through the text all along. Try to find areas where you can make it shine. Then change and rearrange the words in such a way that it looks better.
  • Grammar. Last, but not the least: the role of grammar is imperative and proper use of syntax is a must. You have to put your words in correct grammar. Many writers nowadays ignore the value of grammar. Actually, grammatical correctness makes the difference between the good and the excellent creative writer.

Top Five Article Ideas to Overcome Writer’s Block

In Being a writer on April 23, 2009 at 12:24 pm

Every writer knows how hard it can be to write an article when you are fresh out of ideas. Browsing through magazines or surfing the web will likely turn up plenty of ideas however none of them spark an interest. These tips can help get you started using your own subject matter.vcm_s_kf_m160_120x100

1. How-to. Everyone knows how to do something. The easiest way to start to get your mind working again is to write a how-to article. How-to’s can include anything from the tangible such as cooking to the intangible such as improving your life. Don’t have a specialty? Think about what you did today and you will likely be able to pull something up. For example, if you went to the gym this morning that can be inspiration for a variety of how-to articles such as how to keep healthy, how to do a specific exercise, how to improve a certain area of your body, etc. These types of articles are geared for people who are amateurs looking to learn something new.

2. Tips or techniques. Similar to a how-to, writing an article that includes tips or techniques can be a great way to offer new ideas for something that is otherwise a well written about subject. You can often use your line of work to write a multitude of articles based on tips. Are you particularly good at something but don’t really want to write a step-by-step how-to guide? Simply create a general article that includes techniques for those who are already familiar with the subject matter. This type of article is geared for intermediate readers with some experience.

vcm_s_kf_m160_120x1203. Lists. Just like this article and many others I have written, a list is a concise way to easily give your readers pertinent information. Listing information helps people to remember, as well. A short list will indicate that the article will not be too long which is also a plus for many readers. If, on the other hand, you prefer a longer article the list can easily be adapted from five to ten or more. You can use personal knowledge and experience to generate lists as well as research found on the internet.

4. Review a product or business. Anyone that has writer’s block can take a look around their home or think about some places they’ve shopped or eaten at recently to quickly come up with some ideas. Have you recently gotten a new cell phone? Tried a new restaurant in town? Reviews are informative and easy to write because you have firsthand experience with what you are writing about. Product reviews are a very popular way to get your mind working again.

5. Seasonal/Holiday articles. Using the current or forthcoming season or holiday to write an article is another great idea that will also be helpful generating hits. If you write the holiday article in advance it will be ready when the time hits, so it can be a good idea to think ahead. People’s interests change with the seasons, so it is also prudent to write about activities that are common in the particular time of year. You wouldn’t necessarily write about ski trips in the summer, for example, if you want your article to be current and popular.

These easy article ideas are simple and straightforward and require little time researching. While they may not produce your best work, they are all good ways to get yourself out of the writer’s block. It’s highly probable that while writing a product review or how-to article some other great idea will come to you. Using your mind is the best way to overcome writer’s block and these article ideas are the perfect way to get you started.